Address: |
501 Marin St Ste 200
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 |
General Phone Number: |
(800) 635-2900 |
Financial Aid Phone Number: |
Not Provided |
Admissions Phone Number: |
Not Provided |
Website: |
Not Provided |
School Type: |
Private, Not-For-Profit |
Religious Affiliation: |
Not Provided |
Program Length: |
More Than 4 Years |
Undergraduate Degree Offered: |
Yes |
Graduate Degree Offered: |
Yes |
First Professional Degree Offered: |
No |
Grants Medical Degree: |
Not Provided |
Tribal College: |
No |
Historically Black College: |
No |
Student Body Populations: |
Not Provided
Not Provided
Not Provided
Not Provided |
The above information on
Kennedy-western University has been provided in part by The National Center for Education Statistics.
The Education Department Website makes no guarantees that such information
is accurate or up-to-date. For complete information on enrollment and
other school statistics, contact
Kennedy-western University through the channels indicated above.