Address: |
620 Lotus Dr N
Mandeville, LA 70471 |
General Phone Number: |
(800) 283-0017 |
Financial Aid Phone Number: |
Not Provided |
Admissions Phone Number: |
(800) 283-0017 |
Website: |
Not Provided |
School Type: |
Private, Not-For-Profit |
Religious Affiliation: |
Protestant |
Program Length: |
More Than 4 Years |
Undergraduate Degree Offered: |
Yes |
Graduate Degree Offered: |
Yes |
First Professional Degree Offered: |
Yes |
Grants Medical Degree: |
Not Provided |
Tribal College: |
No |
Historically Black College: |
No |
Student Body Populations: |
Not Provided
Not Provided
Not Provided
Not Provided |
The above information on
Lasalle University has been provided in part by The National Center for Education Statistics.
The Education Department Website makes no guarantees that such information
is accurate or up-to-date. For complete information on enrollment and
other school statistics, contact
Lasalle University through the channels indicated above.